For those of you doing Banner upgrades, you know that constantly editing the login.sql is an absolute pain.
Constantly changing all the #UPDATEME# strings gets to be a bit tiring.
Do get around this, you can use the following sed trick to do a find/replace right on the command line:
$ sed -i -e 's/#UPDATEME#/u_pick_it/g' login.sql
John Chung
Compiling Mysql 5.7.11 for OSX 10.6.8
Good news! I finally got MySQL 5.7.11 working on Snow Leopard, but it does involve a bit of hacking.
Be sure you install macports and cmake prior to continuing. Also install Xcode which includes gcc-4.2.1
Here are the steps 1. Download mysql source for linux including boost 1.59 here:
Generic Linux (Architecture Independent), Compressed TAR Archive Includes Boost Headers
2. extract and cd mysql-5.7.11 then run cmake with the following: cmake . -DFORCE_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER=YES -DWITH_BOOST=boost
3. the OSX compiler does not recognize the -Wvla flag which is present in virtually _ALL_ flags.make files. This means you need to edit EACH one and remove this. (Around 158 files)
4. Edit the file ./storage/innobase/include/os0atomic.h Add the following lines at line 233
You should now be able to connect to the database.
$ mysql -u root -p
John Chung
Compiling PHP 5.6.x with mysql support gives struct flock error
Hey, this was an interesting one.
While compiling PHP 5.6.19 on a mac running 10.6.8 today, during the configure step I found that if I tried to run configure --with-mysql or --with-mysqli support,
I would get the "configure: error: Don't know how to define struct flock on this system, set --enable-opcache=no" error.
After searching for a LONG time, I found the following fix:
OK, I admit it, I love OSX, but I don't care for any versions after 10.6.8 because they are so idiotic and iOS-like. This can cause problems if you need the latest software, since so many versions require more recent versions of the OS.
I recently needed to use MYSQL 5.6, and not finding any 10.6 binaries available, decided to compile my own from source.
Prior to doing this, be sure the have the following installed:
Xcode 4.2 for OSX 10.6 (this contains gcc) Macports
Using macports, install git and cmake
Download the sources from the MySQL/Oracle website:
Select "MySQL Community Server 5.6" (as of this writing this will contain version 5.6.29. Note I was not able to get this working with version 5.7)
and then download "Generic Linux (Architecture Independent), Compressed TAR Archive"
Unpackage the archive, then:
$ cd mysql-5.6.29 $ cmake . $ make $ sudo su # make install
the make install will install the binaries into /usr/local/mysql perform all the next steps as root:
# cd /usr/local/mysql # chown -R mysql . # chgrp -R mysql . # scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql # chown -R root . # chown -R mysql data
At this point, you are pretty much done. To start mysqld run the following:
# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
Then set a password for the mysql "root" user. (Totally different from the unix root user. The mysql root is like Oracle's sys user)