These days, it's increasingly becoming important to be able to setup a server "in the cloud"; both Oracle and Ellucian are actively pushing clients to get their data "up there" for efficiency and performance.
Personally, I find this rather ironic, as twenty years ago, these were the same companies that pushed getting everyone off of "MAINFRAMES"... to use "client/server"
Now, once again, it seems the pendulum has swung back in the other direction. But alas, I digress....
Since Ellucian is now supporting Banner on Amazon AWS, let's take a quick look on how to setup a Linux Instance in this environment.
OK, let's go over how to setup a Linux System on Amazon AWS. Keep in mind this tutorial is for advanced users that already know Linux system administration.
Before we get started, setup an Amazon AWS account at You will need a credit card, but for testing purposes, you will be able to setup free systems for at least a while.
Once you are done, follow the slides below:
Once you create the account and login, click on the EC2 Link
Then Click on the "Launch Instance Button
Click the Launch Button at the Bottom
Here you will define the size of your Root disk (which holds the "/" filesystem). (Note the device name (it's listed here as /dev/sda1, but in most cases under the OS, the /dev/sd* will be replaced by /dev/xvd* )
Download the SSH key and DO NOT lost it. Then click the "Launch Instance Button. At this point your Linux System should be started and running.
At this point the server should be started.
Click on the "Running Instances" link, and then location the IP address of your server:
You should be able to SSH into server now.