ICU 36.1 Desupport & Installing ICU 52.1

Please note that with BannerĀ® General 8.12.2, ICU 36.1 will no longer be supported.

This means you will need to upgrade to ICU Version 521 on ALL JOBSUB Servers before you apply this upgrade.

The upgrade is relatively straightforward on Linux/Unix systems:

  1. Download ICU 52.1
  2. Perform sets below as root
  3. Set the environment variable $ICU_HOME to /usr/local/src
  4. Place and extract (tar -zxf icu4c-52_1-src.tgz) under $ICU_HOME It should create a folder called icu here)
  5. cd $ICU_HOME/icu/source
  6. run ./runConfigureICUĀ  [Your OS this would be "./runConfigureICUĀ  Linux/gcc" if you're on Linux)
  7. Set the $BANNER_HOME environment variable for the root user, and then run $BANNER_HOME/general/misc/copyICU521.shl
  8. make clean
  9. make
  10. make install
  11. Once the "make install" completes, login as the banner user
  12. (as banner) cd $BANNER_HOME
  13. sh +x $BANNER_HOME/general/misc/copyICU521_ban.shl

You will then need to grab the updated makefiles & header files.

This information is also available under Article #000029711 on the Ellucian support site.